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GitBreeze Release 2.0.0

15 Jun 2024

This is part of our Releases category. We also have a Git Tips series.

GitBreeze Release Details

We have now got AI (artificial intelligence) into GitBreeze with this new release:

  • GitBreeze can now analyse any of the commits in a repository, giving a code change summary as well as a in depth code review.
  • The AI analysis can also be run on pending files, so you know of any problems before you commit the changes.
  • The Branches area has now been fully overhauled, and now shows the branches in a tree view.
  • The branch comparison is now in it's own separate area, to highlight this x-ray like functionality, comparing commits with one another.
  • The commit's message and files are now shown permanently, to make understanding what has changed even easier.


Boost Your Software Development

Do you need a Git GUI that's free for all users? GitBreeze boosts your software development productivity by using AI, and making Git simple with a unique UI/UX. It's a Git GUI that prevents errors and creates clarity. This Git client soars over your repository and then swoops down to quickly tackle branches, commits and files. It deals with Git, so you can concentrate on coding.

See some screenshots of what GitBreeze, the AI Git client, can do for you.
Vershd is the effortless Git GUI for Windows, Mac, & Linux
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