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Tag: best practices

Software Development Tools

Software development tools and resources can accelerate your coding abilities. Every software engineer should have a list of them. This is ours.

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Always Be Testing

To excel as a software developer, you need to always be testing as part of your best software development practices. Here's how to go about it.

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Learn by Heart

One of the best software development practices is to learn by heart the different tech that you use. Investing a small amount of time now can save you a huge amount of time later on.

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Practice Good Workflows

Making sure that you practice good workflows is a critical part of best software development practices. We give you some quick tips and tricks on how to do this.

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Focus On Your Mindset

How can you focus on your mindset when implementing the best software development practices? Break down big tasks, accept no bugs, and more.

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Collaborate with Others

Making sure you collaborate with others is an essential part of best software development practices. Review others code, contribute to open source code, and more.

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Stay Motivated

Staying motivated is significant part of best software development practices. Here are some tips about how to keep on track, and keep learning.

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Get Away From the Keyboard

Surprisingly, getting away from the keyboard is an import part of best software development practiceshelp you. Here we explain why and how.

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