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GitBreeze Release 1

29 Jan 2023

This is part of our Releases category. We also have a Git Tips series.

GitBreeze Release Details

This first release of GitBreeze has these benefits:

  • GitBreeze is the free and effortless Git GUI for Windows, Mac, & Linux. It boosts your software development productivity by making Git simple, with a unique UI/UX that prevents errors and delivers clarity. This saves you time, and therefore money. GitBreeze is a Git client that manages your source control so you push to production faster. Use it at work, home, or anywhere. GitBreeze can...
  • Commit and amend commits with ease, without having to stage them.
  • Uses a unique branch comparison tool to reveal the true differences in their commits.
  • Rewinds commits easily.
  • Clones from GitHub or anywhere else.
  • And has many more features. It's free. Try it and find out.

Boost Your Software Development

Do you need a Git GUI that's free for all users? GitBreeze boosts your software development productivity by using AI, and making Git simple with a unique UI/UX. It's a Git GUI that prevents errors and creates clarity. This Git client soars over your repository and then swoops down to quickly tackle branches, commits and files. It deals with Git, so you can concentrate on coding.

See some screenshots of what GitBreeze, the AI Git client, can do for you.
Vershd is the effortless Git GUI for Windows, Mac, & Linux
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 © 2025 GitBreeze Ltd.
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