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Vue JS - A Quick Overview

Vue JS is a progressive javascript framework for creating user interfaces and single-page applications. It has a fast learning curve, and anyone with intermediate HTML, JavaScript, and CSS knowledge can start building web applications.

The Vue.js framework is built by combining the best features from React and Angular frameworks, resulting in a lightweight, flexible, and easy-to-use framework. This framework is suitable for beginner developers and will grow to meet the needs of the most advanced developers. It also comes with detailed documentation, a feature that makes it highly popular among users.

Vue JS Impressive Features

Since its release in 2014, the framework has gone through a lot of changes and improvements. As a result, in 2018, its usage beat Angular. Some of the most favorable features that led to this increase in popularity include:

Excellent Documentation and an Easy Learning Curve

The framework has one of the best-written documentation I have ever read. Moreover, it comes with a step-by-step guide that is easy to understand. Besides, its learning curve is more straightforward than Angular and React.js.

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Vue js is compatible Native Script, Iconic, and WEEX by Alibaba, making it easy to develop mobile user interfaces. Not only that, with Native Script and WEEX, you only need to write the code just once and then run it wherever you want.

Reusable Code

The framework borrows the react.js feature that allows you to write the code in the form of components and then import the component and reuse it wherever you want.

Easy to Use

When developing an application, the Vue framework offers you the freedom of finding any component you need from a single .Vue file. With this feature, you have the comfort of knowing that you can develop your UI in a non-opinionated environment.

Ecosystem for Development

Due to its ease of use and flexibility, many developers love using Vue. This makes an active and vibrant community, which helps in the growth and evolution of the framework. Furthermore, the framework provides a variety of tools and libraries that facilitates the development process.

With the Introduction of Vue 3...

In September 2020 the Vue team introduced Vue 3, which is smaller, easy to maintain, with advanced features. Instead of focusing on significant changes, the team added additions and improvements to the already existing APIs.

That means that anyone with Vue.js 2 knowledge should already feel comfortable using Vue 3 syntax. For example, support for TypeScript is built into Vue js 3 from the ground up. Also, Vue 3 allows us to have multiple nodes in the root of the template. Some other exciting features in the new version include:


This feature gives us the freedom to choose the parent element that we wish to transfer the HTML code into. With it, we can place the component anywhere in the DOM tree. The feature uses the property "to" to specify where we want to put our element. However, this happens under the condition that the target element exists before the component is mounted.

No Filters

Vue 3 comes with computed properties or methods instead of filters, which were items that were bespoke to Vue 2. The result is more standard.

Suspense (Experimental)

With Vue JS 3, we can use the Suspense component to perform lazy loading. This allows us to provide fallback content when our user is waiting for data.

Multiple v-models

The v-model directive allows us to achieve a two-way binding on a specific component. By using this feature, we can pass a reactive property and modify it from within. For instance, it's possible to change the name of the default property and event by using the components model property.

Final Thoughts

The above overview shows that Vue JS 3 gives us better features than just the Composition API. With the new and improved features, we can conclude that Vue is determined to provide a better user interface developer experience. Furthermore, with the adoption and integration of new ideas, it's clear that the Vue development team is focused on making things better for developers.

While the above overview is only a small portion of all the new changes available on Vue.js 3, you should go through the official Vue documents to learn more about these features.

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