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An ecstatic user of Vershd

Stash with ease

View, apply and delete your stashes.

Stash with Ease

Stashing changes shouldn't be difficult. GitBreeze has a separate section for stashes, to enable you to see what you're dealing with easily.

Apply & Reinstate the Index

Applying a stash to your code can mean losing the current changes that you have. GitBreeze can try to keep those changes. It might mean a conflict, but its worth a try.

Compare & Contrast

Compare each of the stash files not just to the working files, but the latest commit's files as well, so you know exactly what's altered since you stashed them.
Oscar the owl and Vershd logo
 © 2025 GitBreeze Ltd.
St. George's flag of England, the Union Jack flag of the United Kingdom, the European Union flag, and the United Nations flag.
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